Minggu, 20 Juni 2021

Summary of English for Tourism


What tourism means ?

Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year, there are so many good places to visit in Indonesia, one of them is Bromo. Bromo is very well knows to many people, even foreigners visit bromo.  

What is English for Tourism ?

English for Tourism is a branch of ESP or English for Special Purposes‏‎. A main area of this sector is key language points and importantvocabulary to do with tourism. Time needs also to be spent on ensuring that “polite English” is spoken. Another important aspect of courses like these is culture.

Why English is important for tourism?

English is importance for a hotel management, this is because you can easily to get the information or the message from the tourist or the traveler. Our also can easily to using the English to communicate with the communicate and can satisfy the demand, need and wants from the different kind of the customer