Rabu, 01 April 2020

Tens of Thousands of Prisoners Will be Released Amid a Corona Outbreak

Jakarta - The ministry of law and human rights is ready to release up to 35.000 inmates to prevent transmission of the Corona virus in overcaptive prisons. The policy refers to permenkum HAM no 10 of 2020 concerning the provision of Assimilation and Integration rights for prisoners and children in the context of preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19.

"Permenkum HAM, we calculated we could issue a minimum figure of 30.000, we could reach more than 35.000 minimum (released prisoners)". Said Yasonna laoly in a meeting through a teleconference with the commission III, Wednesday, April 01 2020.

This policy, called Yasonna has received approval from president Joko Widodo. In addition, the release of Prisoners refers to the decree of the minister of law and human rights no 19.Pk.01.04 of 2020 concerning expenditures and release of Prisoners and children throught assimilation and integration in the framework of preventing and combating the spread of COVID-19.

However, there are several types of crimes that can not be released because they are hampered by the regulations in PP no 99 years 2012 concerning the second amendment to PP no 32 years 1999 concerning the requirement and procedures for the implementation of the rights of Prisoners.

"First, prisoners of drug cases but criminal of 5 until 10 years will be released. Second, prisoners of corruption, but aged over 60 years will be released". Said Yasonna laoly.

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